Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Extras

These tools are available only to churches who have purchased the Seeking God to Seek a Pastor books.

Gregory Frizzell Ministries provides churches with two companion tools for assisting the process of seeking God’s perfect will in a pastor. The Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Workbook is a 90 page book which contains all appendices (A through Z) from the revised Seeking God to Seek a Pastor book. It also contains other tools for additional help.

The guides are available as pdf documents which can be copied, printed and edited to suit each church’s process and setting. These tools and documents save committees and church staff countless man-hours by not having to re-create the formats, letters, evaluation forms and surveys, etc. The tools may be used in part or whole as needed.

The second tool is the Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Interview Tool. This tool is a 29 page guide for use during the three stage interview process provided in the main book. The interview tool contains the sixty evaluation questions with sufficient blanks to record the candidate’s answers, committee comments and thoughts for each question. This resource may be printed as many times as needed but the contents cannot be edited. The interview tool is of great value for keeping interviews organized and well documented for later reference.

Please be aware of the following: If purchasing for your church, please be sure to click the download link on your invoice within 48 hours of purchase. Copyright laws prohibit the sharing of ebooks between different entities.

$ 50.00

For over twenty-five years, Dr. Frizzell has pastored churches and conducted national prayer conferences. His life-long research is prayer, evangelism, and spiritual awakening. On this subject, he has written over twenty books. For four years, he hosted three multi-state radio programs addressing prayer and revival. He has served as Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Specialist of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the North American Mission Board. Dr. Frizzell is founder and president of a non-profit ministry that distributes books and resources in well over thirty languages. His wife Sandy is a treasured prayer partner and invaluable aide to his ministry.

If you have any questions regarding your order of his books, please call 864.777.0782 to leave a message or email For International orders, please contact Greg Frizzell at The books are shipped Tuesday and Thursday only. Orders received after 4:00 am EST on Tuesday will be shipped the following Thursday. Orders received after 4:00 am EST on Thursday will be shipped the following Tuesday. Additionally, there will be no orders shipped on the following dates:

If you order books during these dates, they will be shipped on the next day they are in the office. Thank you.

1 Comment

  1. Virtual Private Server

    This resource takes committees and congregations on a spiritual journey of seeking God not just a new pastor. Attention is given to developing powerful strategies of prayer and cleansing for both the search committee and entire congregation.


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