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How to Purchase

As of December 15, 2015 Greg Frizzell’s books are available for purchase online only. To purchase online, please go to The Master Design’s website, the publisher of the books. They take online orders with a credit, debit card, e-check or PayPal account payment. The books are shipped on Tuesdays and Thursday only. Orders received after 3:30 pm EST on Monday will be shipped the following Thursday. Orders received after 3:30 am EST on Wednesday will be shipped the following Tuesday. Please remember that all sales are final.

Orders will not be shipped on the following dates: December 20 – December 27, 2015, December 31, 2015, March 24, 2016, July 5, 2016, September 6, 2016, October 18, 2016, November 24, 2016, December 22-27, 2016, December 30, 2016 and January 3, 2017. If you have a question on placing an order online, please contact Dr. Frizzell’s ministry either by phone at 864.777.0782 or via e-mail at .

Resources Available from Dr. Frizzell

Cover of Returning to Holiness

Returning to Holiness: A Personal and Church-wide Journey to Revival
(Nearly 2,000,000 in print)

Today, two questions burn in the hearts of believers. “First, how can we see another great spiritual awakening? Second, if  an awakening tarries, how can believers walk victorious in growing darkness?” Certainly prayer is crucial and evangelism is required. Yet according to God’s Word, prayer and evangelism must be combined with a profound return to holiness and spiritual cleansing.(2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 59:1-2; Joel 2:12-14) Dear friends, this is the key element so missing in today’s Church. Alongside the exciting new strategies for prayer and evangelism, we must now see a return to utter humility and holiness before God. That is precisely the purpose of this book.

Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian versions now available. Portuguese versions may also be available

Chinese, Russian and Ukrainian Versions available as in a pdf format only.


tn_Powrful Prayer LifeHow to Develop A Powerful Prayer Life: The Biblical Path to Holiness and Relationship with God
 (Nearly 1,000,000 in print)

In How to Develop a Powerful Prayer Life, believers discover all the elements of powerful prayer and a dynamic walk with God. In a day when too many devotional models are shallow or inadequate, this tool restores biblical balance and completeness. Most of all, believers experience prayer as the heart of their relationship with Jesus Christ. God longs to revolutionize our prayer lives and our walk with Him. With a completeness that is unique, this book shares how. It is powerful for individual, church-wide or small group study. May we never settle for anything less than God’s best!

Spanish version is now available in print. Ebook versions of this book for Kindle, Ipad, Ipod, Sony and Nook are now available in English. (Spanish e-book is coming soon.)  Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese versions currently available in a pdf format.

tn_Lord Supper Final Cover

The Lord’s Supper: A Covenant of Love and Surrender

The Church’s greatest need is recapturing first love passion and power in Jesus. The Lord’s Supper done properly can bring us back to just such passion and strength in Christ. When believers experience a fresh vision of God’s glory, grace and holiness, they are never the same! In essence, revival is restored passion, deeper surrender and power to impact our world. As believers discover the full meaning of the new covenant in Christ’s blood, their confidence and joy explode to whole new levels.

In The Lord’s Supper, believers experience heart preparation that restores unity and New Testament power for victorious living. We experience grace to more fully love Jesus and other believers. While not over-complicating the Lord’s Supper, the book helps participants more deeply worship the awesome God it reflects. In a way that is balanced and biblical, The Lord’s Supper guards believers from the very real risk of taking communion in ways that bring judgment.

The prayer guides and covenant in this book will help believers fully understand and appreciate this most holy church ordinance. While the book is excellent for any Lord’s Supper observance, it is especially powerful for Easter and Christmas celebrations. We are excited to see many churches deepening their worship through more powerful Lord’s Supper!

Ebook versions of this book for Kindle, Ipad, Ipod, Sony, Nook and pdf formats will soon be available.

tn_Releasing Revival Flood

Releasing the Revival Flood: A Church-wide Journey to Miraculous Unity and God-Glorying Fellowship

As seldom seen in history, today’s churches, families and denominations are flooded with anger, bitterness and disunity. While evangelism and prayer emphases have exploded in number, revival tarries because of a sea of damaged relationships and unloving behavior. One thing is certain – talk of evangelism, prayer or revival is empty rhetoric without healed relationships and loving unity. In Releasing the Revival Flood, God unmasks hidden patterns of disunity and relational barriers with penetrating clarity. When believers come to understand specific ways they hinder the Holy Spirit, glorious forgiveness and healing sweep whole churches. And best of all, we hallow the name of our Savior and reflect His glory to a lost world. May God help us immediately return to the heart of all true revivals – loving God and loving each other!


tn_Biblical Patterns

Biblical Patterns for Powerful Church Prayer Meetings: God’s Changeless Path to Sweeping Revival and Evangelism

Scripture and history reveal one inescapable truth. God never sends sweeping nation-wide awakening until churches fully humble themselves in fervent, corporate prayer. The last fifty years should clearly prove we cannot program, promote or strategize our way into a major great awakening. Indeed, God will never share His glory with men or programs. (1 Corinthians 1:29) Yet, today we can take new hope as more and more pastors are asking, “How can I truly reclaim Wednesday night as a time of powerful prayer for evangelism, missions and revival?” This resource will provide needed guidance to answer that question. May this trend increase and may God save us from our deadly tendency to major on programs while only minoring on prayer. By God’s grace, we can return to the dynamic prayer patterns of the past!

Ebook versions of this book for Kindle, Ipad, Ipod, Sony, Nook and pdf formats are now available.

Seeking God To Seeking a Pastor: Vital Spiritual Principles for Pastor Search Committees and Congregations

(Revised Edition)

For churches in the midst of pastor search, there is great news! When the pastor leaves, Jesus doesn’t. How glorious to realize the interim can actually become a powerful time of growth and transformation. Unfortunately for most churches that is definitely not what transpires. This book helps interim churches refocus on Jesus as the true Head of the Church. This process helps congregations experience the dynamic prayer, deep renewal and relational healing that prepares them for a powerful new beginning. Especially in our day of confusion, it is critical to help churches discern their most strategic needs and clearly hear God’s voice in their crucial decisions.

In this tool, committees and churches experience three crucial elements now missing from most search procedures. First, the search committee and church body embraces a powerful process of increased prayer, cleansing and unity. Second, the church is helped to identify its primary barriers to true revival and kingdom-growth. Third, committees learn how to draw near to God and clearly hear His voice for the right pastor. This revised edition contains 26 unique appendices with forms and tools for the Pastor Search committee’s use. It contains tools such as prayer covenants, service formats, bulletin inserts, reference interviews, check list,  installation service and covenants. Churches now have a step by step process they can follow from a pastor’s departure through the interim period all the way to the successful first year transition of the new pastor. The time of pastor search is a rich opportunity for growth and change. Seeking God to Seek a Pastor (Revised Edition) can be your path to a whole new closeness with Christ. Two new companion tools are also available for those churches using the revised book during the interim period. Contact Dr. Frizzell’s office directly for information on these resources.

Two companion resources are available to churches. Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Extras are a workbook which contains all the appendices and additional forms along with an Interview booklet. These books can be purchased separately from the print books for the search committee’s use. One price covers both companion tools.


Cover for Saved, Certain and Transfomed Expanded Edition

Saved, Certain and Transformed: Journey to Biblical Salvation, Full Assurance and Personal Revival

(Expanded Version)

It is very significant that most Great Awakenings involved many doubting saints finding assurance and lost church members finding true salvation. While no one knows the exact percentage, we do know significant numbers of believers struggle with nagging doubts about their salvation. Even more alarming, our Lord states that many who now think they are saved, are tragically deceived. (Matthew 7:22; Luke 13:26) In this biblical grace-filled book, readers will experience God’s answer to the central barriers to spiritual awakening – unconverted church members, doubting saints and powerless prayer lives.

In Saved, Certain and Transformed, believers find full victory as their doubts are laid to rest and God’s peace becomes real. Countless others will discover true new birth in Christ. All will learn to walk in powerful prayer and fullness. Throughout history, true revivals begin with the three main emphases contained in this book. For God’s glory, we must settle for nothing less!

Chinese version (as a pdf format only) is available as an e-book.

Cover of Return to Me Says the Lord

Return to Me says the Lord! A Journey of First Love Surrender

After forty years of emphases on “prayer and repentance,” we are forced to face a most sobering reality. There is far more talk and activities about revival than genuinely experiencing God in it. In spite of voluminous programs and strategies, baptism ratios and morality have never been lower. The preeminent question is “Why?” In Return to Me, readers discover the vast difference in merely “saying ” prayers of surface confession and full loving surrender to Christ’s Lordship. Drawn directly from Zechariah 1:3, Return to Me is an experiential journey to renewed power in God’s grace and Spirit. In this tool, believers discover how to fully surrender and experience the daily grace of spiritual fullness. But far more than a temporary program, this journey is a lasting covenant of first love passion for God.

tn_40 Days Revised Study CoverForty Days of Seeking God : For Revival, Elections and Key Leaders 

(Revised Study Edition Now Available)

After decades of “calls to prayer and repentance,” one question stands preeminent. “Why has the moral and spiritual collapse continued mostly unabated?” In this new expanded version of Forty Days of Seeking God, believers discover the difference in merely saying general prayers and praying “effective, fervent prayers from utterly yielded hearts.” (James 5:16) Saints learn to move from merely saying” we repent generally, to fully yielding to Christ in loving specific surrender.

The tool is perfect for churches, small groups, denominations, seminaries, schools and individuals who want to seek God’s guidance for our nation and revival in the land. In the forty day format, individuals, small groups and whole churches experience fervent prayer and deep spiritual revival. With signs of judgment rising rapidly and a most pivotal election ahead, it is time for forty days of deepest prayer and repentance not just the same level of prayer as the past fifty years. Now is the time for more than just another prayer event! We must embrace a genuine return to God through fervent prayer and deepest repentance, not a reliance on politics.

In Forty Days of Seeking God (Revised Study Edition), believers will learn to seek the Reviver, not just revival. Covenant now to diligently seek God’s face to revive the Church, send a sweeping global harvest and glorify His Holy name! There is also an attractive Bible insert of the Sixteen Prayers for Revival, Elections and Key Leaders and My Covenant to Seek God’s Face as companion tools for this book. For interest in these two pieces, contact our office at info@frizzellministries.org.

Ebook versions of this book are also available for Kindle, Ipad, Ipod, Sony and Nook as well as a pdf format.

Chinese version is only available for the original book


Iceberg Dead Ahead! The Urgency of “God-Seeking Repentance”

When we look at America and most churches, we are forced to one biblical conclusion – we are already under some measure of judgment and it is quickly worsening! By many indications, there really is an “iceberg dead ahead.” The iceberg is sin’s cumulative consequences and God’s righteous judgment. But what happened and how did we get to such an extreme spiritual crisis? With churches on every corner, strategies running out our ears, a thirty-year prayer movement and innovative methods galore, how could this possibly have happened? Make no mistake – God does have an answer and we can return to revival closeness with Him! It begins with deeper brokenness, prayer and repentance!

In Iceberg Dead Ahead, readers are brought to deep brokenness over present and future conditions. Yet even more, believers discover “why” we are weak and “how” God restores His people! They rediscover the crucial missing relational foundations and essential priorities of revived believers and churches. In this tool, Christians learn to truly abide in Christ’s fullness and power. (Acts 1:8; John 15:4-8) Make no mistake – it is intimacy, surrender, fullness and power in Jesus we need, not just better programs!

Dear saints, even if we have already hit the iceberg with far greater judgment soon to come – there is yet hope in our covenant through Jesus’ blood. In fact, some of history’s greatest revivals came out of severe trials. No matter what happens in the days ahead, let us look unto Jesus the “author and finisher of our faith.”

tn_Powerful Prayer for Every Family

Powerful Prayer for Every Family Praying a Hedge of Protection

In a day of unprecedented attack on marriages and children, it has never been more crucial for families to experience God’s close presence. Yet, busy families seem to flounder when it comes to the most crucial foundation – powerful prayer! Thank God, our Lord as provided a powerful remedy for even the busiest families. There is good news in the fact any family can learn to experience prayers that truly transform and protect.

While studies show most families pray in ways that are somewhat general and vague, more and more are learning to pray with power. They are learning it really does matter what and how you pray. Believers are also discovering how to pray an effective “hedge of protection” around their loved one. But best of all, families are learning that powerful prayer patterns are not complicated, impractical or legalistic. God’s grace makes victory possible for every marriage, single parent and family. Now every family can experience God’s awesome presence and power!

This booklet are now available from our publisher also as a e-version for Ipod, Ipad, Kindle, Sony Nook and as a pdf format

The following resources are available only by contacting Dr. Frizzell’s office directly at the phone number listed above or emailing info@frizzellministries.org. Please note only limited numbers of there resources are available.

tn_Restoring Our First Love

Restoring Our First Love A Solemn Assembly of Full Surrender

In a day of increasing talk of solemn assemblies, it is vital to embrace the type God can accept. A dangerous mistake is to think efforts at prayer and repentance are automatically accepted by God. In this tool, believers discover the biblical balance of Old Testament solemn assemblies with New Testament grace and power. We learn to revere God as holy. Instead of seeking God mostly to relieve earthly problems, we return to first love for Jesus and Great Commission passion. We learn to embrace deep repentance by grace through faith and Spirit empowerment. In ways that are biblical and practical, believers re-discover “the joy and power of the Lord as their strength.”

tn_Conduct Solmen Assembly

How to Conduct a Solemn Assembly A Biblical Guide for Leaders

A solemn assembly is a God-ordained time of deep spiritual cleansing, repentance and restored first love. (Joel 2:12-18) Yet today, it is all too possible to attempt solemn assemblies that are shallow and over-programmed. When this occurs, churches experience a subtle form of “spiritual inoculation.” In essence, we can receive a weakened version that actually keeps us from the genuine return to God. It is also possible to conduct solemn assemblies in ways that are so brief and programmed, that the Holy Spirit has little freedom to guide believers into life-changing repentance. In this book, leaders receive effective guidance for experiencing a church-changing, Spirit-guiding encounter with God.

tn_Pray without Ceasing

How to Pray Without Ceasing The Power of Talking and Listening to God All Day

While a designated prayer time is crucial, it is only half of a believer’s relationship with Jesus. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Christians are commanded to “pray without ceasing.” Though that does not mean verbally praying aloud all day, it does mean learning to live in continual awareness and communication with God. From brief “prayer moments” to effective thought prayers, believers can learn to stay in close connection with God. By God’s grace and Spirit, Christians can learn to clearly recognize God’s voice throughout the day. In this tool, believers discover the power of continuous communication with God.

tn_Dynamic Church Prayer Meetins

Dynamic Church Prayer Meetings Why Every Church Must Embrace Them

Like virtually nothing else, dynamic church prayer meetings revolutionize churches and transform believers! In fact, they are absolutely essential to a church being fully “New Testament.” At last, growing numbers of pastors and churches are rediscovering the crucial missing element of corporate prayer. They are also discovering the God-led prayer meetings are powerful and energizing, not boring or intimidating. These re-energized congregations now wonder why they so long neglected such incredible blessing and power.


Demolishing Personal and Churchwide Strongholds! Embracing the Biblical Pattern of Victory

In light of today’s spiritual collapse and evangelistic decline, what is hindering the long awaited revival? One thing is certain – the current collapse is certainly not for lack of evangelism strategies or books on prayer. Yet clearly, something is blocking the flow of God’s power in His people. In many cases, that “something” is the presence of unconquered strongholds in believers and churches. And while God provides mighty weapons for demolishing strongholds, most saints do not know how to use them! (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) In this book, believers will learn both to recognize and demolish even their most hidden points of hindrance. The need is urgent and the hour late. May God help us settle for nothing less than removing the barriers and releasing His Spirit!

Local Associations and United Prayer: Keys To The Coming Revival

Prayer Evangelism for the Local Church: One Church’s Miraculous Story of Blessing and Deliverance

Resources Soon to be Released

Perfect Peace: How to Never Again Doubt Your Salvation
Victory by Grace Through Faith: The Believer’s Authority and Identity in Christ
Transformed Living: Walking Daily with the Living Christ
Walking with God in Holiness: A Personal and Church-wide Journey to Revival
Empowered for Life and Service: Living and Serving in the Power of God’s Spirit
Crucified With Christ: Denying Self – Embracing Victory
Clean Hands and Pure Hearts: Victory Over Pornography, Unclean Thoughts and Wrong Relationships
Praying God’s Heart in Times Like These: Transformational Living in Days of Darkness
Spiritual Warfare: Gaining Victory Over the World, Flesh and Devil
Powerful Church Unity and Kingdom Vision: Becoming God-Glorifying Believers and Churches
A Father’s Greatest Gift: Prayers that Protect and Transform My Family
A Mother’s Greatest Gift: Prayers that Protect and Transform My Family
Victory Over Bitterness: Journey to Right Relationships and Spiritual Power
Healthy Relationships, Healed Families and United Churches: A Personal and Church-wide Journey to the Heart of Revival
Knowing, Loving and Fearing God: The Seven Heart Commitments of Lifestyle Worship
Escaping the Trap of Lifeless Religion: The Joy and Peace of Really Knowing God
America – Revival, Judgment or Both: Recognizing and Reversing the Twenty-Five Devastating Signs of the Times
Restoring Biblical Revivals and Solemn Assemblies: A Missing Key to Great Awakening Churches
Evangelistic, Revival-Producing Prayer Ministries: The Biblical Path to Kingdom-focused, Revived Churches
Pastor’s Prayer Meetings and Area-wide Nights of Repentance: Uniting Pastors and Churches in Prayer
Holiness and Power in Christian Leaders: A Leader’s Life Journey of Cleansing, Revival and Spiritual Intimacy with God
The Call to Holiness Online: Keeping Blogs, Tweets and Social Media from Going Too Far
Loving God Means Loving Each Other: Recapturing the Power of Koinonia Fellowship
A Pure and Holy Bride: The Biblical Plumbline for New Testament Churches

Updated July 4, 2016