Returning to Holiness

How awesome to read of the past Great Awakenings where numbers equaling ten percent of entire national populations were saved in less than a year! The burning question is, “How can we see another great spiritual awakening?” Certainly prayer is crucial and evangelism is required. Yet according to God’s Word, prayer and evangelism must be combined with a profound return to holiness and spiritual cleansing (2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 59:1-2; Joel 2:12-14). This is the key element so missing in today’s church! Alongside the exciting new strategies for prayer and evangelism, we must now see a return to utter humility and holiness before God. That is precisely the purpose of Returning to Holiness. By God’s grace, we can return to Him!

To enhance the study of God’s word through Returning to Holiness, there is a wonderful teaching guide which can be purchased for leaders of small groups and/or classes. (Please see the resource below.)

In addition, there are several free (English only) resources that compliment the book. There is a 5 Week Reading Guide for small groups or churches to use as they work through the study as well as a 13 Week Reading Guide (if preferred). Also available for pastors, teachers or facilitators is an Outline of the book, a Promotion Strategy and a supplement entitled Grace Through Faith. To find any of the free resources, just click on the “Download” tab and select the resource(s) you like to download. They are all pdf files and available for immediate free download.

$ 7.00/$6.00 in print in English (1-49/50+)

$ 4.50 in PDF format in English

De regreso a la santidad (Returning to Holiness – Spanish)

La pregunta candente es: “¿Cómo podemos ver otro gran despertamiento espiritual?” Ciertamente la oración es esencial y se necesita la evangelización. Sin embargo, de acuerdo a la palabra de Dios, la oración y la evangelización deben ir combinadas con un profundo retorno a la santidad y limpieza espiritual (2 Crónicas 7:14; Isaías 59:1-2; Joel 2:12-14). Queridos amigos: Este es el elemento clave que falta tanto en la iglesia de hoy. Junto con nuevas estrategias emocionantes para la oración y la evangelización, ahora debemos ver un retorno a la total humildad y santidad ante Dios. Ese es precisamente el propósito de De regreso a la santidad. Por la gracia de Dios, podemos volver a él.

This book is also available 24/7 from Barnes and Nobles both print and ebook version if needed. 

$ 6.50/$5.50 in print in Spanish (1-49/50+)

Other Options

$ 2.99 in PDF format in Chinese

$ 2.99 in PDF format in Russian

$ 2.99 in PDF format in Ukrainian

$ 3.99 in PDF format in Portuguese

Returning to Holiness Teaching Procedures

$ 5.00 in PDF form in English

For over twenty-five years, Dr. Frizzell has pastored churches and conducted national prayer conferences. His life-long research is prayer, evangelism, and spiritual awakening. On this subject, he has written over twenty books. For four years, he hosted three multi-state radio programs addressing prayer and revival. He has served as Prayer and Spiritual Awakening Specialist of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the North American Mission Board. Dr. Frizzell is founder and president of a non-profit ministry that distributes books and resources in well over thirty languages. His wife Sandy is a treasured prayer partner and invaluable aide to his ministry.

If you have any questions regarding an existing order of his books, please email For International orders, please contact Greg Frizzell at The books are shipped Tuesday and Thursday only. Orders received after 4:00 am EST on Monday will be shipped the following Thursday. Orders received after 4:00 am EST on Wednesday will be shipped the following Tuesday. 

    If you order books during dates closed, they will be shipped on the next available date they are in the office. Thank you.


    1. Margareth Albernaz

      I really interesting on this book, but I don’t know if you have something in Portuguese? That’s my native language and for my comprehension is better …. thanks

      • Greg Frizzell

        Margareth Albernaz,

        We do have a list of resources available in Portuguese. If you will email me at the address on the contact page, I will get you in touch with the appropriate person. Blessings

    2. Kimberly

      I am trying to order the $4.00 PDF of Returning to Holiness and it is requiring a $7.25 shipping fee.

      • Greg Frizzell

        Kimberly, you might want to check to make sure you have added the correct thing to the cart. We currently do not have a pdf of Returning to Holiness. The print book may have been added by mistake. Blessings!


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