Front Page

Due to some family issues, there could be a delay in completing some orders for the next few weeks. While we will be open and processing them, there could occasionally be a delay in their completion. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.  


Through God’s grace, Gregory Frizzell Ministries has recently spread exponentially in many countries. As the vision has so rapidly expanded, Dr. Frizzell is led to give full time to the Global Awakening/Missions Initiative. This strategy is part of The Restored Foundations Initiative which seeks to promote a great global awakening and sweeping revival of Christ’s Church. Dr. Frizzell has been led to give full time to the global initiative and greater freedom to conduct national and international conferences and book distributions. His resources are only available for purchase by ordering online. Simply click on the Ordering Resources tab above. Please contact us at with any questions on existing book orders or to inquiry about his availability for a conference. You may also write us at: Gregory Frizzell Ministries, Inc., 11317 Twisted Oak Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73120. 

Gregory Frizzell Ministries is in the process of launching The Restored Foundations Initiative. This initiative is a global strategy involving a seven year project to quickly impact 4 to 7 million additional people. From this strategic group, the impact is designed to expand exponentially. Though evangelicals have many tools and much education, certain essential elements of revival are often marginalized or missing. Our objective is to strengthen the key missing foundations to sweeping revival, empowered evangelism, healthy church planting, small groups, discipleship and leadership training. The means of impact is initially to distribute seven strategic books to 50,000 US pastors and approximately 150,000 pastors in twelve key language groups. Especially in mission countries, significant percentage of pastors will then use the Scripture-filled books for congregation-wide studies. Because the tools are designed for church-wide and small group use, the numbers of people impacted multiplies many fold. Based on historic patterns, this is the type of saturation and focus that is essential for major spiritual awakening among vast millions.

The Unique Purpose of the Initiative – The central purpose is to saturate thousands of pastors, churches, small groups and missions with church-wide studies of powerful impact. The uniqueness is to address the essential elements currently lacking in most churches. The Restored Foundations Initiative restores vital missing keys for sweeping revival, powerful discipleship and spiritual awakening. The Scripture-filled tools facilitate a depth of discipleship content that helps transform families, revitalize churches, train leaders and empowers evangelism. They also prepare God’s people should persecution and societal challenges continue their rapid rise. Without being complicated, the foundational tools take churches and small groups to deeper levels of growth, prayer and impact.

The Cost – For something that so deeply impacts 4 to 7 million people, the cost is surprisingly low. Because of a unique God-given strategy, it calculates to less than $1 per person! The cost to print and distribute seven major books to 200,000 pastors with adequate publicity is 2.8 million dollars. (This amount is spread over the initial three year implementation period.) To translate seven books into twelve key languages is an additional $600,000. We also plan an audio version of each book to quickly impact multiplied millions who are illiterate. Some targeted countries for saturation are Africa, China, India, Russia and all of South America. With this seed money and books sales, The Restored Foundations Initiative purposes to be wholly self-supporting by the end of the launch period. After that time, additional books will be ready for accelerated distribution and translation for the US and many other countries. If you are interested in contributing to this impactful initiative, please use the Donate Button. Or contact us at Any amount would is appreciated and would be helpful in this initiative.

A Word from Greg

Greetings and blessings in Christ! Our hearts are filled with praise at God’s merciful blessing on our ministry. Nearly three million books are in print and several are in multiple languages. Returning to Holiness is now in over forty languages. We are preparing for major moves in increased digital publishing. God’s grace is beyond our imagination! More than ever, we fill our books with actual Scripture, not just references. It is our growing conviction that books should be Scripture-filled and designed equally for individual, small groups and church-wide use.

We want to take this moment to thank God’s people for gracious support of our ministry. Prayer support and/or financial contributions are most appreciated and needed as we strive to walk in the path God has assigned. Several have substantially increased your gifts to the ministry during 2014 and it has come at a most opportune time. With the upcoming release of many new books and resources, we are preparing for a whole new phase of ministry expansion. That new phase is the Restored Foundations Initiative.

As an update on answers to prayer, we would like to report that the Revised Study Version of Forty Days of Seeking God  is now available. This book is an expanded version of the book released for the 2012 election and contains much new content. It is almost most 300 pages and a great section dealing with forgiveness and the stronghold of resentment. We believe it is the most effective book God has allowed Greg to write to date. E-book versions of the book are also available as well as two companion pieces as Bible inserts. 

We are also excited to report that Biblical Patterns for Powerful  Church Prayer Meetings is now available for e-readers. It is available in an epub, mobi and pdf formats for use in a wide variety of readers. This makes our third resource available for use with e-readers and we anticipate the release of several additional titles shortly.

Brazil has hit the mark of one million sold in Portuguese. All of their proceeds go to print new books in Portuguese with nothing coming back to the ministry. It is all to minister to Brazil. (That same pattern is true for China, India and all foreign lands.) They are now in the process of translating another of our resources. This will be their sixth book to translate. In March of 2016, Brazilian distributed 100,000+ books (free) in a door to door city-wide campaign. We are profoundly grateful for the Lord’s blessing upon this venture.

Recently, the Lord has provided a wonderful couple to translate several books into Chinese and Indian languages. This will enable us to distribute untold thousands of books abroad and in North America. How we praise His name for this opportunity!

Prayer Requests

We do have two prayer requests. First, please fervently pray for faith, health and strength for us as God prompts your heart. The next twelve months are vital as we strive to complete the various tasks and finish several more strategic resources. In this massive undertaking, only God’s grace can bring it to fruition. Second, please prayerfully consider a major financial gift at this time. So many have been faithful but in order to complete these projects, much needs to be done. We are in the crucial early phases.

As always, donations in any amount are much appreciated and tax deductible. All funds go directly to getting books published and distributed in the US and globally. Donations can be given to Gregory Frizzell Prayer and Renewal Ministries, Inc. Blessing to you and yours!


Books on Prayer

Gregory Frizzell Ministries offers a wide variety of resources on personal, family and corporate prayer


Books on Revival and Spiritual Growth

Dr. Frizzell offers multiple books on discipleship, spiritual growth, revival and spiritual awakening


Books on Leadership and Church Growth

Gregory Frizzell Ministries offers a variety of resources on pastoral leadership, church health, evangelism and growth strategies


Church and Area-wide Conferences

Dr. Frizzell offers a variety of church and region-wide conferences, revivals and solemn assemblies

Books and Resources

Million Books Sold/Donated

Countries Where Available

Languages Where Available