About Us

A God-Given Vision and Exciting Opportunity

We begin by thanking you for taking the time to read this strategic project for spiritual awakening in our day. As you read, we trust you will see why we believe this vision is one initiated by God and not us. Indeed, we would never attempt such a mission without a very clear sense of God’s direction and promise. In recent days, both the size and opportunity has exploded beyond our largest expectations.

Without any promotion, well over two million of our books have been distributed with some being read in around forty languages. We now sense God’s leading for strategic expansion and priority. Though the vision has become huge in scope, we are fully trusting God’s faithful promise to finish what He starts. (Philippians 1:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:24) It is our earnest prayer you will sense God’s leading to join in this exciting vision to impact our world. We truly believe God will reward you for your participation.

In brief, the ministry vision is ultimately to publish and distribute fourteen high impact, strategic books to millions of people in several key nations. With some of these resources, we place special focus on training and equipping leaders. We are convinced that training and impacting leaders will impact the world! Many of the resources will be donated and others made available at extremely small, non-profit prices. Because we have received a flood of urgent requests from strategic mission fronts, this world-wide saturation is targeted to be accomplished in five to seven years. The books address the crucial issues of genuine conversion, revival praying, discipleship, leadership development, evangelism, church planting, church health and sweeping spiritual awakening. As well as impacting individual believers, the books are designed for training pastors, leaders and church planters for use with their congregations. The ministry targets both America and key mission nations world-wide.

Through thirty years of extensive pastoral, evangelism and mission experience, Dr. Frizzell has an ability to write resources that are Scripture-filled, life changing yet enormously practical. And by a truly miraculous publishing arrangement, the ministry is blessed with an unusual opportunity to publish top quality books for incredibly low prices. The timing is God-ordained as dozens of countries now face an urgent growing need for high quality yet affordable Christian training materials. Some of these countries are facing increased religious oppression and time is of the essence. Our purpose is to produce all the books digitally as well as print. Especially urgent is a complete package of resources for leaders to use for evangelism, church planting and discipleship in their own languages.

Gregory Frizzell Ministries has the full support of key Southern Baptist leaders as well as leaders far beyond Baptists. It also has the enthusiastic support of several best selling Christian authors and many high profile ministries. We are especially grateful over the years for the wise counsel and support of Henry Blackaby, T. W. Hunt, Evelyn Christenson and Anthony Jordan. Because of our ministry’s independent label and non-profit approach, we are blessed with a unique ability to minister to many denominations and people-groups world-wide.

Utilizing the Vital Principle of “Exponential Kingdom Impact”

While there are a number of worthy projects, this ministry seeks to maximize the principle of “exponential kingdom impact.” By simple definition, exponential kingdom impact means ministry that produces self-sustaining, ever expanding eternal impact for minimal cost. A ministry of global book distribution utilizes this principle in a most powerful fashion. We have discovered donating quality materials (in indigenous languages) is the difference between giving someone a single fish or teaching them to fish and providing a life-time supply of equipment. By distributing thousands of books for leadership training, evangelism, discipleship, revival and church planting, we can rapidly impact whole countries. Not only does this approach train pastors and church planters, the leaders are then equipped with abundant materials for discipling believers and building vibrant churches.

God has further given the opportunity to partner with reliable Christian networks in many mission front nations. By donating books to thousands of pastors in many countries, a powerful “ripple effect” is set in motion. The ripple effect occurs as a single book often gets passed among five to ten people. Based on estimates from certain nations, four to five million people have already been touched through these resources. In this manner, a single book distribution continues to expand spontaneously for at least two to four years. We find this strategy has a phenomenal ratio of strong expanding impact per dollar invested.

Throughout my ministry as pastor, we embraced many different missions projects. While many were indeed worthwhile, we often sensed the benefit was somewhat limited and short-lived. For this reason, we were extremely grateful when God mercifully revealed the current approach with self-sustaining, expanding impact to millions of souls. We are also excited by the fact we can produce resources that are usable by all Bible-believing evangelicals (rather than a single denomination.) Our ministry discovered this distribution strategy works about as well in America as it does in need foreign countries. For example, in 2002 a single distribution of 20,000 books ultimately produced over 500,000 book orders with no publicity or bookstore involvement. In Brazil alone, a seed donation of $20,000 has spread to over a million books printed and distributed in that one country.

An important uniqueness of Gregory Frizzell Ministries is its God-directed financial distinctive. After much prayer, we sensed God’s leading to forego the offers of major profit publishers. Rather than majoring on making profits, we believe God wants us to provide very affordable resources to Christ’s global Church. Though millions in profit could be made, author and publisher are led to this world-wide project in a truly non-profit manner. For this reason, the very highest quality books can be produced and distributed at a tiny fraction of normal prices. The resources are printed by Bethany Press International which is one of the world’s largest and most respected Christian book companies. Since our ministry owns all copyrights, we can donate millions of books to needy nations as God leads and provides.

Because the books are published barely beyond cost, resources that would easily retail for fifteen dollars can be produced for much less than two. This most unique arrangement with publisher and printer can only be described as miraculous. It is a God-given opportunity to touch millions of people. Because of this very special arrangement, thousands of pastors can easily provide books to all their active members. In foreign nations, we network with godly partners who print and distribute the books in their own languages. By this approach we strive to make the books available at tiny prices (or virtually free) in some indigenous cultures.

Most importantly, this ministry and vision has the strong mark of being initiated by God and not men. Without human promotion, it has arisen in natural response to rapid world-wide demand for the two initial resources initially published. In just under two years, these resources were already being translated in over thirty different languages! Though we do not plan mass bookstore distribution until late 2019, we are approaching three million books ordered. Publishers tell us this is extremely unusual without the involvement of bookstores, catalogs or human promotion. We are further astounded at the unusual impact reported by those reading the books. The resources do not just bless or encourage readers – individuals and churches are being radically transformed. We believe it is primarily because they are filled with fully quoted Scriptures. God’s words are the main power, ot the words of any author. Only God’s sovereign hand of blessing can explain such explosive growth and impact! We are both awed and humbled by God’s merciful grace.

After much prayer and many world-wide requests, we are firmly convinced God is now leading into a much expanded seven year vision and strategy. Actually, the strategic vision is merely an expansion of what God is already so mightily blessing. We are convinced that to “who much is given, much is required.” (Luke 12:48) For this reason, we sense a strong urgency to do all we can to fulfill what God has placed before us. It is also incumbent that we find godly donors who have the heart passions and means to impact the world for Christ. This far reaching vision centers around one primary project. Please prayerfully consider the potential impact of the following seven year strategy.

The Seven Year Strategy and Overview

“A Project for Transforming Church Leaders and Laymen”

Over the next seven years, the ministry will undertake the unprecedented project of initially sending seven strategic books as a gift to around 50,000 pastors in the United States and 150,000 internationally. The plan is to send two or three books each year. These 200,000 pastors will then be able to order the church-wide studies for their congregations at phenomenally low prices. The first three year phase of the project is to send six books to 100,000 pastors. From past distribution ratios, we know such a mailing would likely create two to four million book orders within three years. The first wave of orders would be followed by expanding word of mouth interest. Though the kingdom impact of such a project is truly staggering, it can be done for surprisingly little money.

After the initial seven year period, seven more books are to be translated into approximately 12 strategic languages and sent (or in some cases e-mailed) to thousands of pastors in many countries around the world. The books are designed for strong discipleship among believers and powerful evangelism of the lost. They are also very useful for equipping pastors, leaders and church planters. The plan is to give a free copy to each pastor (in his language) and make them available for his church members at incredibly small prices (or in many cases donated).

The books will be placed in Christian bookstores and catalogs throughout the US and Canada. We will utilize an aggressive marketing strategy for wide retail distribution. Though bookstore prices will naturally be higher (due to their overhead), they will still be reasonable. Most importantly, the books will always be available at tiny prices when ordered directly from us in bulk. (This encourages churches to distribute to their entire active membership.)

Gregory Frizzell Ministries will keep costs very low by limited salaries and conservative yet quality staffing. The ministry is preparing to seek significant partnerships with key Foundations, businesses and churches. These partnerships will assist with volunteer (or low cost) help plus office and warehousing space. The church partnerships will help keep book costs phenomenally low.

By the end of 2021, we hope to annually donate key resources to all seminary and Christian college students. To help facilitate a major spiritual awakening, our ministry believes it is vital to impact both current and future Christian leaders. The ministry also plans to donate books to thousands of evangelical missionaries and church planters worldwide. The unique resources relate to prayer, discipleship, leadership, revival, evangelism, missions and church health. We also intend distribution of high-impact salvation and discipleship resources to the nations’ prisons. Our nation’s large prison population is a front-line of spiritual battle. (At present, non-Christian religions are making alarming progress in prisons.)

During 2022, the ministry hopes to return to the airwaves with a Christian radio and Internet broadcast program entitled “Toward the Next Great Awakening.” In 2023, we hope to target national and world-wide syndication. Though there is currently great interest in the issues of evangelism, prayer, revival and awakening, there is almost nothing on the air that focuses entirely on these subjects. (Dr. Frizzell already has significant experience in broadcasting multi-state Christian radio programs.) Our radio program is totally unique as it focuses solely on the twelve areas vital to revival, awakening, discipleship and evangelism, 1) deepening believers’ prayer lives, 2) developing far greater repentance and holiness in modern Christians, 3) helping men become spiritual leaders, 4) training pastors and leaders for empowered service, 5) teaching listeners principles of the Great Awakenings, 6) converting lost church members and bringing assurance to doubting saints, 7) mobilizing the development of church prayer ministries, corporate prayer and church planting, 8) encouraging the development of evangelistic prayer groups, 9) facilitating the development of pastors’ prayer meetings for far greater effectiveness in leaders, 10) addressing marriage and family prayer issues, 11) business and CEO ministry strategies, 12) biblically balanced church growth strategies.

If you have questions about this initiative or would like to discuss partnering with the ministry to fulfill one or more of these projects, please contact  Greg by email at info@frizzellministries.org. Questions can also be directed to Gregory Frizzell Ministries, Inc. at 11317 Twisted Oak Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73120


If you have any questions regarding any of these statements, please contact us.

Updated on 01/21/2019