
Returning to Holiness

Returning to Holiness How awesome to read of the past Great Awakenings where numbers equaling ten percent of entire national populations were saved in less than a year! The burning question is, "How can we see another great spiritual awakening?" Certainly prayer is crucial and evangelism is required. Yet according to God's Word, prayer and evangelism must be combined with a profound return to holiness and spiritual cleansing (2 Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 59:1-2; Joel 2:12-14). This is the key element so missing in today's church! Alongside the exciting new strategies for prayer and evangelism, we must now see a return to utter humility and holiness before God. That is precisely the purpose of Returning to Holiness. By God's grace, we can return to Him. Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Return to Me

Return to Me “A Journey of First Love Surrender” After forty years of emphases on “prayer and repentance,” we are forced to face a most sobering reality. There is far more talk and activities about revival than genuinely experiencing God in it. In spite of voluminous programs and strategies, baptism ratios and morality have never been lower. The preeminent question is why? In Return to Me, readers discover the vast difference in merely “saying” prayers of surface confession and full loving surrender to Christ’s Lordship. Drawn directly from Zechariah 1:3, Return to Me is an experiential journey to renewed power in God’s grace and Spirit. In this tool, believers discover how to fully surrender and experience the daily grace of spiritual fullness. But far more than a temporary program, this journey is a lasting covenant of first love passion for God. Believers learn to embrace the essential steps of lasting obedience and closeness with Christ. For those who truly surrender, the result is revival and empowered evangelism. For God’s glory, we must settle for nothing less. (Isaiah 43:7; John 15:8) Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Releasing the Revival Flood – Revised Edition

Releasing the Revival Flood Revised Edition In Releasing the Revival Flood, God unmasks hidden patterns of disunity and relational barriers with penetrating clarity. When believers come to understand specific ways they hinder the Holy Spirit, glorious forgiveness and healing can sweep whole churches. And best of all, we please our Savior and reflect His gory to a lost world. May God help us immediately return to the heart of all true revivals — loving God and loving each other! Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Overcoming the Corporate Sins of Modern Churches

In this book, churches re-discover the biblical paths of powerful church-wide repentance. Best of all, we learn to experience a repentance of grace, not legalism. Believers, if we are to see true revival in our day, we need far more than just another emphasis on prayer and repentance. We must embrace a genuine return to first live surrender to Jesus. Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

How to Conduct a Solemn Assembly

A solemn assembly is a God-ordained time of deep spiritual cleansing, repentance and restored first love. (Joel 2:12-18) Yet today, it is all too possible to attempt solemn assemblies that are shallow and over-programmed. When this occurs, churches experience a subtle form of “spiritual inoculation.” In essence, we can receive a weakened version that actually keeps us from the genuine return to God. It is also possible to conduct solemn assemblies in ways that are so brief and programmed, that the Holy Spirit has little freedom to guide believers into life-changing repentance. In this book, leaders receive effective guidance for experiencing a church-changing, Spirit-guiding encounter with God. Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Demolishing Personal and Church-wide Strongholds

In light of today’s spiritual collapse and evangelistic decline, what is hindering the long awaited revival? One thing is certain – the current collapse is certainly not for lack of evangelism strategies or books on prayer. Yet clearly, something is blocking the flow of God’s power in His people. In many cases, that “something” is the presence of unconquered strongholds in believers and churches. And while God provides mighty weapons for demolishing strongholds, most saints do not know how to use them! (2 Corinthians 10:3-5) In this book, believers will learn both to recognize and demolish even their most hidden points of hindrance. The need is urgent and the hour late. May God help us settle for nothing less than removing the barriers and releasing His Spirit! Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Restoring Our First Love

In a day of increasing talk of solemn assemblies, it is vital to embrace the type God can accept. A dangerous mistake is to think efforts at prayer and repentance are automatically accepted by God. In this tool, believers discover the biblical balance of Old Testament solemn assemblies with New Testament grace and power. We learn to revere God as holy. Instead of seeking God mostly to relieve earthly problems, we return to first love for Jesus and Great Commission passion. We learn to embrace deep repentance by grace through faith and Spirit empowerment. In ways that are biblical and practical, believers re-discover “the joy and power of the Lord as their strength.” Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Dynamic Church Prayer Meetings

Like virtually nothing else, dynamic church prayer meetings revolutionize churches and transform believers! In fact, they are absolutely essential to a church being fully “New Testament.” At last, growing numbers of pastors and churches are rediscovering the crucial missing element of corporate prayer. They are also discovering the God-led prayer meetings are powerful and energizing, not boring or intimidating. These re-energized congregations now wonder why they so long neglected such incredible blessing and power. Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Extras

Seeking God to Seek a Pastor These tools are available to churches who have purchased the Seeking God to Seek a Pastor books. Gregory Frizzell Ministries provides two companion tools for assisting the process of seeking God’s perfect will in a pastor. The Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Workbook is a 184 page book which contains all appendices (A through Z) from the revised Seeking God to Seek a Pastor book. It also contains other tools for additional help. The guides are available as pdf documents which can be copied, printed and edited to suit each church’s process and setting. These tools and documents save committees and church staff countless man-hours by not having to re-create the formats, letters, evaluation forms and surveys, etc. The tools may be used in part or whole as needed. The second tool is the Seeking God to Seek a Pastor Interview Tool. This tool is a 29 page guide for use during the three stage interview process provided in the main book. The interview tool contains the sixty evaluation questions with sufficient blanks to record the candidate’s answers, committee comments and thoughts for each question. This resource may be printed as many times as needed but the contents cannot be edited. The interview tool is of great value for keeping interviews organized and well documented for later reference. Click Here to Read More or to Purchase

The Lord’s Supper

The Lord's Supper “A Covenant of Love Surrender” The Church's greatest need is recapturing first love passion and power in Jesus. The Lord's Supper done properly can bring us back to just such passion and strength in Christ. When believers experience a fresh vision of God's glory, grace and holiness, they are never the same! In essence, revival is restored passion, deeper surrender and power to impact our world. As believers discover the full meaning of the new covenant in Christ's blood, their confidence and joy explode to whole new levels. In The Lord's Supper, believers experience heart preparation that restores unity and New Testament power for victorious living. We experience grace to more fully love Jesus and other believers. While not over-complicating the Lord's Supper, the book helps participants more deeply worship the awesome God it reflects. In a way that is balanced and biblical, The Lord's Supper guards believers from the very real risk of taking communion in ways that bring judgment. The prayer guides and covenant in this book will help believers fully understand and appreciate this most holy church ordinance. While the book is excellent for any Lord's Supper observance, it is especially powerful for Easter and Christmas celebrations. We are excited to see many churches deepening their worship through more powerful Lord's Supper! Click Here to Read More or to Purchase